Sunday, January 18, 2009

Windows 7!

I'm using Windows 7 now, and I can thus far say only good things about it. Here's hoping it keeps up.



Blogger Washii said...

Virtualizing, or upgrade install over XP?

Anyway, at work, I'm virtualizing it on my Server 2003 workstation with Server 2003 and VirtualBox. The 64-bit build 7000 on a 32-bit Server 2003. Hardware virtualization is awesome. It's pretty fast, though it doesn't quite like the lack of hardware video for the moment.

We also installed it on a 2.4GHz Celeron that was 64-bit as well. It was screaming with 512MB. The guy we got it from had a few hundred other of the same box, and a Vista install was absolutely horrid with the 512MB.

9:39 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

I virtualized it first to make sure I didn't despise the interface, but I have formatted my system drive and am running it as my only OS right now. I've never really had much luck with dual-booting, 'cause I'll always use one OS or the other 95% of the time.

It's a little slow on my 1.6GHz Celeron with 1GB of RAM, but I think I may pick up another random Flash drive and get some Readyboost going on, see if that helps.

I envy you for getting paid to do this kind stuff.

2:41 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

In any case, unless it fails pretty hard, I imagine I'll keep it at least until I get back in the States. It actually runs the Aero-ish theme on my rather at-this-point prehistoric laptop.

2:42 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Very cool...I was wondering how you were liking it.

2:47 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Washii said...

You can only run it for like..120 days though with the rearm, right? That's plenty enough to get back here, but what are you going to do after it runs out? I think the beta install may be date-locked.

1:58 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Komitadjie said...

Either get a crack for whatever limit is on it, or go back to XP for the month or so until they actually release it, then DL a copy?

3:54 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Yeah, it stops working on August 1st, theoretically, but there are already other releases of it available in places. I imagine I'll have another official beta by then and simply use the upgrade option, though six months is certainly not too short of a time to justify a reformat.

I feel a little silly about not knowing what's new to 7 and what was carried over from Vista, but Libraries are pretty awesome as is the rather Mac-ish dock-o-bar.

5:50 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Unfortunately, I just discovered that my VOIP app doesn't work on Windows 7, so I'll going back to XP this weekend probably. I need it so I can book my flight, unfortunately, so it's not really optional. Since I'm hoping to come back on the 18th of February, I'd like to do it *now*, but...
Well, I guess I have three hours before class... It's just so pretty...

6:22 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

And I'm back on XP. It feels kind of... autistic after Windows 7.

6:56 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Aww. Bummer about the VOIP and its hatred (or Windows 7's hatred?).

7:13 PM GMT+9  

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