Friday, January 2, 2009

No More Kitten...

Well, I saw Jes off at the airport today. We ended up eating out a lot and doing a lot of sightseeing and travel and stuff, and on my way back to Kyoto today, I noticed I was down to using the $20 I keep in reserve, and that I should go pull some cash. And then I realized that I don't really have money left in the bank.

I'm usually fairly careful with money, so it was kind of strange to realize that I was running so close to the line... for the third time since I got here. Fortunately, the reason I'm low on cash is because I did all that Jes-is-visiting stuff on top of paying my phone bills up to date and buying a new bag of rice, so I'm fine in terms of food and whatnot. I should also have some money coming in from the people I share my Internet connection with, which will really help.

I'm really behind on posting stuff about all these travels and whatnot, and I'm hoping to get some of that stuff through post-processing and get some of it posted here. Probably tomorrow. Certainly not now, as it's nearly 4AM.

My screen isn't usually thisi blurry...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww, sounds like you need sleep :(

7:09 AM GMT+9  

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