Kind-of Sort-of Picture Dump

First up is a picture of me because my parents always want me to post more pictures of me. If it were up to me, I wouldn't show up on cameras, but... Alas, physics don't seem to bend to my will. Much.

No real explanation for the closer picture, but I like the way it looks with her facing the other picture.
The next picture, at right, is Sara (right) and Magi (not-right) putting up with me taking a picture of them in their kimono. They had a tea ceremony test that day, I understand. Anyway, women in kimono.

Once again, I like this picture of Angela, and having it placed so she looks like she's WTF-ing at the picture of me makes for bonus goodness, I think.
The flower looks much better on Yanavy, in case you're wondering. I don't really do red, you know?
And with that, I've filled my quota of pictures-of-myself for the next few months. Feels good to be done with that, at least.
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