Thursday, July 3, 2008


With the end of my first semester drawing near, I'm a little concerned about grades. I got a 35/60 (58%) on a grammar test we got back today. To be fair, the Sara's very studious and she only got 42/60 (70%). The class did, as a whole, poorly enough that we're essentially going to retake the test in lieu of the test she was intending to give next week.
I haven't been doing well on tests in that class, though I got some pretty good marks on the first few quizzes, this is one of the classes where I hope my attendance will save me, since I think I've only missed one day, and that was one sanctioned by the head of my program. By "sanctioned", I mean he gave us taxi money to go to a festival, in addition to canceling class.

As for my other classes...
  • Basic Japanese is... I dunno. I got some poor grades at the beginning, but I think I've been average 16-18 out of 20 (80-90%) on the tests since then. I've done less than stellar on a couple of the tests, but I also got a 91/100 on the last test and I got an 87% on another.
  • I've missed a couple of classes of ICP, but all but one were things that teacher wanted us to go to. In addition, though, I got a 65% on our first essay, and still haven't turned in the second. The third is due at some later date.
  • Kanji... No clue. Seriously, my grades have wavered in this class a lot. It's one of the two classes I'm most worried about. A C would be good enough here.
  • JCT is... also not so good. Again, a C would be good enough, but for that to happen, attendance will need to be a large part of the grade.
    I did pretty poorly on the kanji tests at the beginning because I was disorganized and couldn't keep the test types and content straight, and I had issues with that even on the last one. I've taken to asking this teacher, when I first see her that day, whether or not there is a test.
  • The rest I'm not so worried about, because they're largely based on attendance.
I'm being somewhat purposefully vague here. I'm not entirely comfortable listing out which classes I'm taking.

Now, as negative as this post seems in general, I've heard from other students that I'll probably be surprised when I look at my grades are, to the extent that I might think to myself "Where did they get these?" I don't know if that's the case, but I sure wouldn't mind that, as long as it's in my favor.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

Much good luck and good thoughts to you for tests and grades and such!

8:49 PM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:15 AM GMT+9  

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