Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Novel Backup Strategy

I'm having some problems with my external hard drive mess, unsurprisingly. I'm going to do some various things to troubleshoot it, but I'm not particularly hopeful.

I was poking at it when I realized that I've accidentally been performing a kind of backup simply by making regular blog posts. Everything on that drive is either somewhere else as well, or not particularly worth keeping.
All the pictures I've taken are backed up in the States on magnetic and optical media, and the stuff I've taken since coming to Japan, well... I have a lot of random snapshots, but most of the good pictures are up on this blog, which will be completely unaffected if my external hard drive bites it.

Convenient, isn't it?

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Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, yes indeed.

11:26 PM GMT+9  

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