Monday, October 6, 2008

Kilik... Strikes Back?

Kilik and I were assigned each other for a little interview thing, and we were supposed to draw the other person or take their picture. I, of course, wanted to take pictures, but everybody else wanted to draw, so we did. My drawing of Kilik is a circle with two lines for eyes and a dot of a mouth. It's like a stick-figure face.

Well, Kilik is an art major, and I spent as long posing as I did answering questions, but I'm glad to have a drawing of me by someone as good as he is. He knocked this out in about two minutes in class on a piece of scratch paper the teacher gave us, and a lot of detail was lost when it was copied, as well as some when I used my "scanner" (ie, my camera) to digitize it. Them's the breaks.

Eh, I like it anyway, even if it makes me look like Bill Gates.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

Cool! I love it when people can draw like that, and it always amazes me when they can do it so quickly.

11:05 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Since he can draw so well and you think he drew you sort of like Bill Gates...can he draw money out of a bank account for you as if you were Bill Gates?

11:17 AM GMT+9  

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