Thursday, October 9, 2008

It Came from the Miso

I'm pretty sure I just made a new dish. If I didn't, the person who made it before me needs mental help.
The basic process went like this:
"I like miso soup, but I don't want to wait to boil water, and I'm too lazy to stand and stir it. Shimpei said never to boil miso, but it shouldn't make anything too poisonous, so..." And I took about a tablespoon of soup mix and tossed it in the frying pan, then put the pan on high heat.
"But that's just going to burn and make an awful stench if I don't give it something to dissolve in..." In goes a tablespoon of oil and some random amount of water.
"I have judo in a bit, so I need some kind of protein. I know tofu goes well with miso..." So I cut up half a block of tofu and put it in the pan. Stir.
I turned down the pan to medium-high and came back in a few minutes, stirred again, and came back a few minutes later. I was getting hungry, and just took some out.


Add some pepper. Tastes like... chicken.
Not kidding at all.

So the tofu wasn't firming up at all, so after I took out about half, I cracked a large egg and tossed it in, too. It helped, but it still tastes like chicken.

Anyway, it's definitely edible, and it... is... probably not too poisonous. I won't go so far as to suggest that it might be healthy, but...

Warning: If you try this, you should do so with the knowledge that I will not be held responsible for the following bout of death that insues. And it probably will.



Blogger thots about stuff said...

I thought you didn't like tofu...

I don't know why I thought that. I just did.

I guess it is one of the least expensive proteins in Japan, and can be seasoned to taste almost, but not quite, like just about anything.

8:43 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

I don't like tofu, but at 38 cents for 330g, it is by far the cheapest source of nutrition in existence.
In real money terms, that would be 1.89 pounds per dollar, given the current rate of 100.921 yen to the US dollar. 10 pounds would cost a bit over $5, and when you compare that to the same amount of anything else, even water, it's a good deal.
Yes, tofu is cheaper than water, which usually costs nearly $2/kg.

10:15 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Washii said...

Is that in bottled water or from-the-tap terms?

5:42 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Bottled water. Water is not only nearly free, but actually free for us here. We pay a set price as part of the rent, and that's it.

8:10 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Komitadjie said...

Well, that's better than I would have managed. Right about the time the oil got involved, there probably would have been a fuel-air explosion.

5:49 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

HaHa...yeah, this is why you are not allowed in the kitchen, Komitadjie!

9:02 AM GMT+9  

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