Friday, April 4, 2008

Exam day - Bigger post

So the exam went decently. I can’t say that I did well, but I was able to answer more than I couldn’t. As I said before, my poor knowledge of kanji hurt me the most, though many of the kanji I didn’t recognize were ones I had never even seen before as far as I can tell. For ones such as those, I simply remind myself that their program goes far beyond my current level of comprehension. I’m not exactly certain where I really want to be placed, but my ego certainly wants me to be placed in level three or four (out of five), preferably four. On the other hand, a lower level means more time for culture stuff and existing outside of just school. It’s a hard call, you know? I suspect I’ll get placed in two or three. Really, I just don’t want to be told that my Japanese up to now is only Elementary.

Regardless, I’m doing my best. Or pretty close. I studied up on kanji for four to five hours beforehand. That’s more than I ever studied any one of Okada’s tests, though not by much.

Our “interview and OPI” is tomorrow. Not entirely certain what that entails, but mine is at 11, so I’ll at least get to kill time with Sara beforehand. I should probably drill some vocabulary beforehand or something. I don’t know, really. In a way, I’ve been practicing for this for the past week. I’ve been much more outgoing than I would normally be; asking for directions fairly often, conversing with random people on the street, discussing products to various levels of detail with various shopkeepers.

And working on my developing pastry fetish. Oh, my sweet クリームパン.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

Good lucks with the interview! I think that would be the most interesting kind of testing anyway. I miss that from first year here.

Sounds like you did pretty well on that test!

9:01 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

Just eating delicious pastries, right? Not... rubbing them on things

9:51 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

I rub them on my stomach for good luck, if anybody asks.

7:20 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Tasty pastries on the stomach? Heheh.

10:41 AM GMT+9  

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