Saturday, March 29, 2008

カラーボックス: The Construction

I imagine in my mind this post's title being read in a deep, masculine voice something like Killstick: The Reckoning, Shopping Mall: Zombie Fragfest IV, or Oh God It's the Flood: You're Screwed. That in mind, here's a picture of a cardboard box:

So I went down to Jusco (Wal-Mart, but spelled with a J because it's Japanese. Or something) and got a scrubby, some suction hooks, and a カラーボックス ("karaa bokksu"). I'm not entirely certain what it is. It cost $9.50 and is, I think, a shelf. Like, an Ikea shelf. JDIC says it means "color box", but it doesn't even return anything on Sanseido or ALC. Go figure.
Anyway, I'm going to try and put it together. I fully expect at least one explosion, and possibly a lemur.

Taking it out of the box, I'm a little impressed with it. For ten bucks, I get chipboard? I'm used to Wal-Mart's polyboard crap. The thing's theoretically rated to hold 5kg (11lbs) per shelf, but I bet I could stand on the thing when it's completed.
The downside to this is that the screws squeak really loudly on the last couple of turns, in addition to being arm-wrenchingly difficult to put in. I'm putting some cooking oil on them in the hopes that it will make this a bit easier.
It didn't.
All was going to smoothly until I realized that I put the top board in one of the middle spots. Fortunately, I realized this right as I finished putting in the second screw holding it in place instead of later, when I would've had to take out 12 screws.
Okay, eight screws down, and I've got the little crappy paper things in the back. I was going to leave them out in the spirit of my カラーボックス not taking itself too seriously, but then I realized that they are probably an integral part of its stability. Oh, and that I need to buy a real screwdriver. Multi-tools are great as a backup, and they get the job done, but... There are 16 more screws now that I wish I didn't have to use a multi-tool on.
Aaaand it's 2:30. Wanna guess what I've done with my day?

Forgot to get soap.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

I want to come play DDR! I see it there on the new shelf!

3:04 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said... the new shelf. I guess I shouldn't try to compete in those contests where you try to remember how many things you've seen, but you can't get back to the original till you've made the guess.

Anyway, it's fun to see your construction project.

3:11 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Washii said...

The multitools! You see what you've done?!

3:45 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

No soap?!?! You're going to have to get a screwdriver when you go back for that.

2:23 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Fishbulb said...

w00t! Can we do it? Yes we can!

2:30 AM GMT+9  

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