Friday, March 28, 2008

Kagome: It's not from Inuyasha!

I actually saw this post's title in one of their advertisements.
In any case, the stuff is a fruit and vegetable blend and is surprisingly good. Back in the states, it's about $3 for a 20oz bottle, I think. I picked up a 1L carton here yesterday for $1.80, making it slightly cheaper than water, depending on the brand.
My 1L carton of Kagome
"21 vegetables, 3 fruits"


Blogger thots about stuff said...

That stuff is tasty!

6:51 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

It's sold in the USA? Uwajimaya?

10:15 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Safeway should have it stocked. Though we have about five flavors here and I only ever saw two in the States.

9:30 PM GMT+9  

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