Monday, April 21, 2008

50 posts! And other stuff

We ran Jynxed Productions for about two years and I think we never hit 50 posts. This is the 50th post in this blog, so three cheers and whatnot, you know?

[Insert smooth transition here]

So I laid out what I think is my schedule this morning in an Excel (coughKMDcough) spreadsheet, but I'm not entirely certain. I'm going to run by the International Office a little later and see if they have a copy of my official schedule that I can check this one against.

[Insert another smooth transition here]

As it turns out, it would seem that I should've been studying for a cumulative test this morning, instead. I think I did okay, but I've learned not to be optimistic with Japanese tests. A 75% here is a B, though, which is kind of cool. Bonus cool if they report it as a 3.0 like it should be.

[Insert crunchy, peanut-butter-like transition here]

I invited Bethany to add to this if she has anything interesting happen, so there should be something from her forthcoming, though as to when, I know not.

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Blogger Washii said...

Frist psot!!11!one!

Well, JP wasn't ever set up as a blog platform,

Relating to that should be: Why no me in your Blogroll, fool?! You must link-back! Washii's Ponderings

1:31 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Probably because I don't have a blog roll.
It sounds like something for eating.

2:29 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Fishbulb said...

I never get first post...:0(

3:35 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Is a blog roll filled with some of that tasty cream stuff like the pastries in your pictures? If so I want one!

11:39 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Washii said...

A blog roll is filled with blogs you oft-read...and/or just enjoy.

I'm fairly sure Blogger should have such functionalities.

11:48 AM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Way to go, 50 posts!

That calls monkeys?

12:30 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Dancing monkeys...I want to see the dancing monkeys. I also want to try some blog rolls, but only if they have tasty cream. Most of all, I wish you well on the test...or on the grading of it that is, since you've already taken the thing.

4:26 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

Your transitions left me stunned.

3:14 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Because they are so awesome and fluid?

1:27 PM GMT+9  

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