Thursday, February 19, 2009

Status Updated: Missed Flight, part two

I am (as of 10AM February 19th) still at the airport, and I'm doing alright. It's looking like my, uh, little mistake is going to cost my family about $1,500 on top of the $1,200 it already took.

Moral of the story: Don't miss your flight.

The moral of the story is still "Don't miss your flight". The people at Northwest have been very helpful, especially when compared to the nice, if rather English-challenged lady I talked to who was with Travelocity. They were able to get it down to $1,200 by waiving a couple of fees and doing some kind of magic - this is actually what the woman said - which is pretty cool. If I were to wait a week, I could get it for "only" $300 on top of my current ticket price, but that flight was taken by the time I talked to them about it again.]

[Edit: Oh, and this is the 400th post to this blog. Beth put up two or three, so it's not my 400th. I had been hoping to hit 500 before I left, but I guess the number's not really important.]

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

I'm glad to hear you're doing all right.

I know your family is looking forward to seeing you! May your flights be safe and may the rest of your trip go smoothly!

12:35 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

With any luck, I'll even get a ticket!

12:36 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Oh, I thought that was going okay now...

You are able to get food and stuff there at the airport, right?

Good luck with it all!

2:21 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Well, I hope you're not stuck in the airport for another 100 posts worth of time! (even though 500 posts was a cool goal). Since you were there approximately a year, that would have meant that quite a few days you posted more than once, which did happen, but with not having your own internet source for the first little while it is pretty amazing that you have so many posts here!

10:47 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

I'm about a little under 40 days short of a full year once you work things out. I got here March 28th (2008) and will, with any luck, be leaving today, February 20th (2009). That's 329 days according to Excel, and 400 posts puts that at 1.21 posts per day. I had a working Internet connection from early July, three months (100 days) after I got there. It shouldn't count, but if you're wondering, that puts it at 1.79 days per day of Internet.

10:56 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Interesting. I knew it was a little bit less than a year, but was basically always referred to as you were going to be there for a year...which is approximately true. It also is referring to a school year, which you've been there longer than the typical American school year, so it averages about somewhere in between if you use either of those criteria for a "a year"
Anyway, that is a lot of posting. :)

11:02 AM GMT+9  

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