
This recipe assumes that you kind of know what it will look like in the end, but if you've never seen one, parts will seem pretty weird. The end product should look something like the thing at left if you decide to start dicing them up or something. There's a reference to a seam later on, and you can see it at the far right of the upper pastry.
[From http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/butterbread/9000]
Makes 10-12 individual servings
Custard filling
1.薄力粉30gを茶こしでふるっておく。Custard filling
Sift 30 grams of pastry [low-viscosity] flour
2.卵黄2個、砂糖60g、ふるった薄力粉30gを鍋に入れてから火にかけ、牛乳300ccを少しずつ泡だて器で混ぜながら加えていく。途中でヘラに替えてもったりするまでかき混ぜながら煮る。Put two eggs, 60 grams of sugar, and the strained flower into a saucepan and apply heat. Slowly add 300cc of milk while stirring. Boil until thickened enough to stand a spatula [not kidding]
3.火からおろし、バターまたはマーガリン10gと、バニラエッセンス2,3滴をヘラでよく混ぜる。Remove from heat and add 10g of butter or margarine, as well as 2 or three drops of vanilla essence. Stir well with a spatula.
4.蓋をしてそのまま冷ましておく。Cover and cool as-is.
*あればバニラビーンズの方がエッセンスよりも香りが良い。If you have them, vanilla beans make for a better smell than vanilla essence.
<ホームベーカリーで生地を作る>Making the dough in a home bakery [real ovens aren't common here]
以下を機械に投入。生地づくりコースを選ぶ。This assumes you have a bread machine. Select "dough course".
1.ドライイースト 5g (dry yeast)2.強力粉 250g (pastry (low-viscosity) yeast)
3.砂糖 大さじ2 (two tablespoons sugar)
4.塩 小さじ1/2 (one-half (.5) teaspoon salt)
5.マーガリン 20g (margarin)
6.卵 1個 (one egg)
7.水 120cc (water)
Once the dough is done, use a kitchen knife to cut into 10-12 equal portions and round each one into a circle. Put a cloth on them and let set for 20 minutes. (benchtime)
軽く丸め直し、円く平らにのばし(円のふちのほうを薄く)、カスタードクリームを割とたっぷりめに包み込んで下を閉じる。少し平らになるように軽く押し、 端に3か所切れ込みを入れてグローブ型にする。天板に並べ、2次発酵約50分。(オーブンの発酵機能を使うか、ビニールをふわっとかけてこたつに入れるか する。気温が28度くらいならビニールかけて常温で放置できる。)
When they have doubled in size, bake them in the oven for about 13 minutes at 180 degrees. [again, Celsius!]
Yay for this recipe!
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