Sunday, October 5, 2008


Today has been... rainy.

So I donned my rain gear and crossed town to go to club, finished up a bit before five and headed home, donning my rain gear once again.

I found a small mom and pop meat shop on the way back, and they were selling コロケ for cheap, so I got two of them, and I fully expect they both took a year off of my life, looking at the oil they were fried in. But they were pretty decent and I'm always in favor of deep frying things.

Got home, studied a little, watched a little anime, and jogged to the store to get some groceries: Kagome, tofu, more Kagome, a few bars of chocolate, and nearly a kilogram of strawberry jam that was on sale for $2. Used my small umbrella on the way back and have been lounging about studying and watching anime. I'm most of the way done with the grammar, but I'd like to put half an hour or so into practicing kanji before I go to bed as well, so the sooner I finish going through the grammar, the better. Tomorrow, I'll practice the kanji some more and read through some of the compositions if time permits.


Today has been... rainy.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

Rainy...and full of homework. I can relate.

11:40 PM GMT+9  

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