Sunday, August 17, 2008

Repellant Testing

Alright, here's pretty much the ultimate test for this bug repellant stuff I got from Shari: I'm going to go to an area where there are lots of mosquitoes and ants and whatnot, while wearing shorts, a t-shirt, and sandals.
I've put some repellant on all of my exposed skin (don't forget the ears - seriously!) and anything near a clothing boundary that could become exposed through normal movement or by someone far more flexible than I.

If I survive to write the next post, the stuff works.
Thus far, it's seems to be working great. I appear to have missed a small part of my left elbow, however, which went from one bite when I left to... somewhere between three and ten.
I have the next two posts written, and I had meant to post them now, but I forgot to get the pictures off of my camera. No surprise there.
In other news, I now know what mosquitoes look like during sex. Until they broke apart, I was trying to figure out what has 12 legs, four sets of eyes, and wobbles back and forth without going anywhere.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

I think the mosquitoes must have gotten you...

I hope you didn't get carried off by them after having witnessed their secret disco mating ritual.

10:20 PM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you see the strange faces they made?

10:25 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Fishbulb said...

Four sets of eyes and 12 legs? You must have seen some seriously messed up 3-legged mosquitos....

I would have guessed the answer to your riddle to "lukewarm octopus balls." I am sure I saw eyes in your blog pictures.

Now that's some weird tasting goo-balls you got there!

1:30 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Nah, for weird food found in Japan, check out live octopus tentacles.

9:52 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Which I've not eaten, by the way. It's against my policy to eat things that are still moving on their own.

9:53 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

There is no way in hell or any other place that I would eat food that was still wiggling either!!! YIKES!!!

Being adventurous about food is one thing...eating squirming food is entirely another kettle of fish...yeah...literally.

1:49 PM GMT+9  

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