Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Well, Yesterday, Actually

Today is the second-longest I've stayed up since coming here. It's 6:40AM as I write this post and I'm going to stay up until 7:30 or so if possible so i can wake up Bryden. He's got work of some kind at 9, and came to the Katsuragawa party at my request, so I feel somewhat responsible.
I got to practice my 二人乗り (futari-nori "two-person riding") by way of going about five kilometers with Valeria on my bike's rack. When I let her off at her house, she said "Thank you so much for making my ass hurt!" Take that how you will.

Party was pretty cool. We got a decently large fire going and cooked some sausages, and everyone sat around and talked and poked at the fire. Around 3AM, we lost most of the people, and half an hour later, two more people left, so it was down to five of us. It was about 5:40 when we left, and I didn't get back until about twenty minutes ago, but I was going slow to let everybody else keep up.

I don't get how people can be so slow, though. I mean, it's not like I'm rushing or anything, but I leave people in the dust by going at a liesurely pace, and I have to go... so... slow... to keep pace with them. Once or twice I've just given up and one ahead, then waited.
Anyway, that's my current pet peeve.
Also, other Asians' pronunciation in Japanese. I can't tell when they're using some kind of dialectal words and when they're just failing to speak clearly. I heard one from someone today jouzu said as chuuzo.

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Blogger Washii said...

Hmm..this 'failing to keep up'-age reminds me of when we went to spelunk that old water tunnel up above Leavenworth.

'cus, I was like sitting in the car for over half an hour afterwards.

12:28 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Ana Paula said...

二人乗り that seems somewhat interesting!
After a couple of drinks the world starts to revolve in slow motion!At least most of the times! Maybe thats why they were so slow!

1:51 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Komitadjie said...

Well, that's one out-of-context quote that'll be around for a while, I think.

3:35 PM GMT+9  

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