Thursday, August 14, 2008

Some More Cops

I was using the Internet out by the mall for a while, and there were some cops (actual cops!*) patrolling the bike parking area I was in. Once I was done with my email and whatnot, I went over to talk to them.
I was surprised to find out that they don't know the caliber of their own weapons, only that they're revolvers. He said that both their revolvers carried five rounds, which says to me that they must be pretty large rounds, 'cause the cylinder's about the same size as my mom's Ruger GP-100 chambered in .357. For common police rounds, that leaves pretty much just the .45, I think. I mean, there's .40S&W and 10mm, but I think those're only commonly used by American law enforcement.

Anyway, this surprises me because Japanese tend to have a small frame to being with, and using a compact pistol will increase recoil due to the reduction of weight. In addition, a revolver won't lose any of the recoil to the action like a automatic does.

But they also said that not everybody carries the same gun or uses the same ammo, which surprises me to some extent, given the Japanese need to have everybody be the same. "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down", right?

I also asked them both why they decided to become police officers, and they had the same opinion there "To arrest the bad guys", and one guy said he saw a documentary on Japanese cops and from then on knew he wanted to be a cop.

We talked about other stuff, but all I can remember is that I must've had an off day, because they kept complimenting my Japanese, which is a sure sign you're making headway on epic fail. Or at least, for me.



Blogger thots about stuff said...

Did I read that correctly and you mean they compliment your Japanese more when you're messing up?

10:20 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Komitadjie said...

They could also be a standard six, with the chamber under the hammer dry. It's an old precaution that goes back to the days of fixed firing pin single actions, where with the hammer down the pin was resting on the primer. Hence, a hard blow to the back of the hammer could fire the cartridge without cocking the hammer or pulling the trigger. It's a completely useless exercise with the transfer bar that is used in modern firearms, but a lot of places still have it in the safety rules, probably because they don't understand why it was initiated. Doesn't it make you feel *good* knowing that you're protected by guys that couldn't even find ammo for their weapons if they needed to?

6:33 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Washii said...

I have a feeling that their police 'base' would have a stock for the firearms in use. I'd highly doubt anything beyond three ammo types was actually being used.

Then again, not a gun person.

3:04 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

At least their aim can't be as bad as mine, right?

9:13 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Hey, you actually hit that milk jug before I blasted it to bits with the shotgun.

7:53 AM GMT+9  

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