Monday, August 18, 2008

Random Bits Not Big Enough for Post of Their Own

Miscellaneous interesting things that happened to or around me today:
- First off, these two pictures wouldn't fit in the Obon post, but I took them there. They're two of my favorites, so I couldn't just leave them out.
- Tried out some bug repellant that I got from Shari. Instead of getting gnawed to death, I was actually playing with the mosquitoes, and they wouldn't get within two or three inches of where I had put the repellant. Next time, I might leave one spot for them to land, just so I can swat them. I got at least four or five while I was checking my email today.

- I have never before been patted encouragingly on the butt by woman. Or rather, I hadn't. I don't know what that means. Thanks, Chen, now I will worry about that for weeks.

- Ran into Alessandra and company at the Obon festival. Alessandra is the Italian girl I've been chasing all semester and summer break. I have had no luck whatsoever, and she's leaving in two or three days. Well, that's normal for me, you know?

- Got a haircut. First time in Japan. It doesn't look so good, but... He did what I asked, so I have nobody to blame.

- I saw the police, uh, handling a drunken guy on my way back. I was making pretty good time (considering I was crossing 80-90% of the city's diagonal size), but stopped in Omiya to watch the drunken guy. The police were trying to get him to take a taxi, and had to rather forcefully wedge him in the taxi at least twice. I think the driver wasn't comfortable with the idea, so the cops called for a cop-van-mobile and they shoved him in that instead. They were really polite to him the entire time and the most physical force I saw them use was to keep the guy from falling on the ground again. See, at first they underestimated his drunkenness, and he fell into the street simply by epic walking failure.
I've never before seen someone roll down the street.
Anyway, I had hoped to congratulate the cops on handling it so well, but the four of them (two came in the cop-van-mobile) left the police box unmanned - yes, locked; yes, I checked - and took him away. Dunno where to, but he didn't seem to know where he lived, if "Where do I live?" and "My home? Where the hell is that?" are any indication of that. Have some pictures, but I was trying to be discreet, which is hard to do in a well-lit intersection.

- Was there, but not involved in, the creation of a new standard of beauty: long ass and tight legs. Little too much sangria for some people? I dunno. It was pretty funny, though.

- Went farther to the East than I have previously, to the point where many of the main roads simply stop existing. Hung out with Ana, Waii (sp?), Chen, Eileen, Jonas, and some other people whose names refuse to come to my mind in it's groggy state of dogged fogginess.

- Ate a strawberry jam mochi pan which was basically a strawberry jam sandwich.

- Was very glad I had an extra shirt, 'cause the one I was wearing when I got to Chen's place was... pretty damp. It was so wet, it was difficult to take off, and when I went to dry myself off a little with it, I couldn't find any dry spots.
It was not a good-smelling thing.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

Yay for awesome mosquito repellant!

The drunk guy incident sounds quite entertaining. I wonder if they ever figured out where he lived.

You should take a picture of your new haircut and share it.

So does everyone just plan to take extra clothing because of the heat and humidity?

2:08 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Nah, but I'm about 50% bigger than everybody else here, so I get hotter, faster; I sweat a lot regardless.
Biking across town, then back across halfway, then back towards the second place again, but even farther... Toss in an hour and a half of tromping around with all my camera gear strapped on...
I'm too lazy to figure out how far it was in terms of biking distance, but I think being soaked through is reasonable at that point. I mean, given that the humidity was already at 112%*, where it likes to sit here.

*I'm not sure if this is possible anywhere but here. Maybe in select parts of the tropics.

5:30 PM GMT+9  

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