Thursday, August 14, 2008

管理人 Departure

The manager of my apartment has had back pains for a while, and since it's interfering with his ability to do the job, he's going to quit. Apparently, the manager of the sister building will go back and forth between the two starting next month. It's too bad, really, 'cause the manager is probably the Japanese person I know the best. He says he wants to use the massive amount of free time he'll have to "play".
He was born sometime around 1941, which puts him at nearly 70 years of age.
Did I mention that, for the most part, hiking is an old person's activity in Japan? Hiking gear here is painfully expensive as a result, since most of the people who hike are retired, and retired people... have too much money?

He makes some kind of bittersweet juice at home and keeps a bottlen hand here, and occasionally shares some with me. It's pretty good, and we had a "Splitting of ways toast" today, and I brought some mochi.
Mochi are those candies I always try to get people to eat that feels kind of like "some kind of... fetus... covered in cornstarch". It's actually made of rice that is percussively gelatinized, then filled with something, such as bean paste or fruit-flavored goo.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

Aww. It will be nice for him to retire, but I know you've enjoyed his friendship.

Hiking is expensive? Weird. I mean I understand what you mean about the equipment and such, but...that seems strange.

10:17 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Komitadjie said...

"Percussively gelatinized", that sounds like something I would do to things.

10:21 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Washii said...

Getting experience with the 'Parting of ways toast' before even being close to leaving.

Now, that seems like talent.

3:05 PM GMT+9  

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