Saturday, June 28, 2008

Pantyshots and gropers

I walked my friend back to the train station last night, since it was nearly midnight, and when we left, there were two guys standing outside my building's door, just kind of chatting. Eh.
So I picked up two $1-menu things, had dinner, and went home.

When I got back nearly 45 minutes later, they were still there. It was pretty warm and rather humid outside, so I stopped and asked:
Me: "Why not go up to your room, with the air conditioner and whatnot? It's kind of warm out here, don't you think?"
Short guy: "The air is bad."
Me: "Oh, I know what you mean. I kind of like the way the wind feels, too. But it's still pretty hot out here, yeah?"
Tall guy: "But it feels nice."
Once I stopped moving and was just standing and talking, the temperature was perfect. Walking up and down hills, though, it was a touch muggy. I stood and talked to these two for about ten minutes, and then one of them made a gesture I didn't recognize.
Short guy: "Man, I can't wait for the Gion festival..." This is when he did the gesture.
Me: "Wait, what? What's that?"
Short guy: "What's what?"
Me: "This." I did my best to imitate the gesture. "What's that?"
Short guy: "It's... man, I shouldn'tve said that..."
Tall guy: "That's his groping motion."
Me: "Sorry, what?"
Tall guy: "It's kind of like..." and this is when made another gesture, though this one I at least recognized: he took his phone, but it between his legs, and tried to make a camera noise.
Me: "Oh, like chikan?" (chikan are train gropers, generally)
Tall guy: "Yeah! I'm not nearly as good as he is though."
Me: "So you guys are iya na yatsu?" (... basically "bad people")
Tall guy: "Yeah, pretty much."

So apparently, you need to watch out for gropers during festivals. News to me. One guy was a stuntman, by the way. I thought that was pretty cool.

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Blogger Unknown said...

You shoulda tweaked their penises and told 'em you were a bad man before running off. Best exit ever.

11:17 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Fishbulb said...

Where are the G8 enforcers when you need them?

Best not to associate with such bad men.

1:31 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Except that kind of thing doesn't bother Japanese men that much, which would kind of ruin it. Seriously, it'd be a grave offense in the States, even with someone you know, right?
I watched someone do just that as a way of starting conversation. It's a little different, you know?

11:30 PM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I liked them and thought they were a positive influence in this male bashing society. Right on I say

2:36 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Komitadjie said...

Well, you can tell it's a disarmed populace. Care to take a guess on the survival time of someone like that in, say, Texas?

Also, perhaps a betting pool on exactly WHAT weapon would kill them. I'm betting on a shotgun that some nut had stuffed in his pant leg.

4:00 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Imagine you feel someone up, only to realize they're carrying. Then you see they've noticed you.

I'm thinking, like, those groin holsters, or maybe as someone's getting goosed.

5:51 PM GMT+9  

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