So, while Blogger is working the way it's supposed to, I'm going to catch up on some of the pictures I've taken in the past... while.
I visited a "recycle shop" and bought some stuff. Apparently, someone bought something off this mannequin, as it is now rather topless. Oh, to be that pert, no?

I also happened to see this Hello Kitty toilet paper. I was thinking
You know, I don't think I have any toilet paper in the apartment except the roll that's on there. Maybe I should buy it... but I ended up not buying it. I was very tempted by the value pack, though. Somehow, I managed to blur this second picture, but only what I was actually trying to take a picture of. Everything else is decently sharp. Go figure.

So I did end up going into the store, however, and wandered around for a while. Besides disturbing quantities of pre-chopped musherooms, I also found this spam display, and felt it was picture-worthy. In case there was any question before of Spam's strangehold on the world's food supply, here's the proof.
Labels: meta, pictures
But to be that pert, do you have to be that color, too?
I like the term recycle store.
Garlic Spam? Yikes. Just... yikes.
Maybe garlic spam is how you become so pert. It would also explain the color.
Dietary pertness....hmmm. Seems as rational as any other explanation. I'm thinking the garlic spam part might be what gets in the way of it becoming the next major fad.
It has to be totally ridiculous to become a fad, so... why not?
Hmmmm. True enough. Garlic spam pertness...new international fad!!! Heheh :)
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