Saturday, May 3, 2008

Cell Phone Picture Catsup

Cats in Japan are so soft. Maybe it's just people who bathe their cats regularly. I don't know. More importantly, the second cat (black-with-white cat) had the coolest color of green in his/her eyes that I've seen. It was like dark lime green. Or something.
Anyway, I was biking along and saw a cat sitting on a fence, so I stopped and talked to the guy petting it. We started discussing the weather and he tried to talk to me about latitudes and longitudes and I was completely lost. I was very sure he was trying to talk about the temperature, which also uses the counter for "degrees". Same kanji, I think, too. Anyway, with the help of my electronic dictionary, we managed to get it figured out.

I don't know if you've ever accidentally frozen an egg, but I ended up partially freezing one in that manner, and decided, since I only had one egg left for some bizarre reason, that I now was as good a time as any to put an egg in the freezer. For a week.
As it turns out, this is what happens. Well, after a liberal application of knifings, this is what happens. I tried to crack it open at first, but it just went clunk on the countertop. The metal countertop didn't care, of course, and the egg barely had any crack in it at all.

And a lightbulb. I was taking some macro shots with my telephoto lens and was using my desk lamp for illumination (imagine, using a lamp to light things!) and decided to take a picture of the bulb. The lamp is on in the picture at right, in case you're wondering.

I was hoping to post a few more, but it looks like my laptop is about out of battery power, so this is it, I guess.



Blogger thots about stuff said...

I particularly like the lime green cat eyes, also. Very cool.

While I have accidentally frozen an egg before, I didn't think to knife it open like that. Interesting. It looks is to be expected of something frozen, I suppose. :)

3:39 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh my god I love cats, I LOVE CATS

5:36 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

I was hoping to cook with it, but I forgot about it and it got washed down the drain.

6:56 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

I don't know if I've cooked with one that's been frozen. If you do, I will be curious how that goes.

7:37 PM GMT+9  

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