Sunday, May 4, 2008

Belated Adventuring Pictures (non-monkey-park)

And here are my pictures from wandering around the city after the monkey park.

First up is a random 人力車 (rickshaw) and its... driver? Puller? Runner? Whatever you call the guy who pulls a rickshaw.
I think the composition of this shot came out well. I'm always surprised when a shot comes out decently, because my artistic sense (the important thing when dealing with composition) is almost non-existent. This shot feels like it has a decent amount of balance, but still has some tension. I caught that pose entirely by accident, but I like it. He looks like the main character out of Ninja Scroll.

I kind of accidentally uploaded this one, but I was playing around with my camera. Can you guess what the picture is of?
I'll check the comments later and see if anybody gets it.

I mentioned that it's Golden Week, and this means that there are random things going on everywhere. I don't really understand it, but there was some robo-sumo going on in the mall. It seemed too Japanese for me to not take the picture, so I didn't. At left.

Another Golden Week thing, I guess. This picture is called "Uberchu.jpg" on my computer, for good reason. I would like to remind you that Pikachu has an official height of something like two feet. I remember it being something like 1' 4", though.
Anyway, this Pikachu is there probably because of the movie/game ad he's standing in front of and because of the massive pile of everyone that's wandering around around this time.

Last up are these maico. Or geisha. I seriously can't tell the difference, so if you can, tell me, please. Nice kimono, in any case. The guy with his hand up is the old guy I mentioned yesterday. You can't see the grey in his hair due to him not being in the depth of field.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

I am working on guessing the hairy orange spongy looking things...I thought carrots till I enlarged the picture, now I'm certain they are not and in fact I think they are not something edible.

11:59 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

They're not actually hairy. That was some crap on the lens.

6:56 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

Why is this under the tag 'the cake is a lie'? I get the reference, but I'm not seeing the connection. The spongy things look like those floating pool toy tubes, only miniaturized. So.... hair curlers?

6:24 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Yeah, they looked like pool noodles to me, also...only way too tiny.

6:48 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said... I was thinking about the orange things and they remind me of the ear protection we sometimes use when shooting, though I'm not sure why you would have those there unless you had some in one of your jacket pockets or pouches before you left (that wouldn't surprise me a bit, either).

4:17 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Komitadjie said...

Yeah, I think those are the orange, compressible foam ear plugs, with the left one standing on its base, and the right one with the base to the left.

1:27 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Good call, you two! They are, in fact, ear plugs I brought with me. I had them in my pocket because I thought "Well, you never know how loud it'll be..."
Also in case of annoying person sitting next to me. Just seemed like a good thing to have handy. I think I brought an entire box of 'em with me, actually.

7:08 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Cool! And no, I do not want to eat those...

7:22 AM GMT+9  

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