Saturday, May 3, 2008

An Attempted Hiking

I tried to go hiking today, but I couldn't find the place. I did manage to get lost in some kind of massive park. And then there was a tourist trap. And a shrine. Or a temple. I can't ever keep the two straight, but I understand it's difficult for Japanese people, so I don't feel too bad about it.

While I was wandering around in the temple-thing, I saw a woman walking with her son (who was pretending to be a ninja) and a man walking with his wife. At first, I thought Wow, he's pretty old for her. I mean, she looks like she couldn't be any older than 25. Then they started talking to each other. Now, that might not seem that strange, but Japanese people, I've noticed, don't just talk to people they don't know while they're wandering around. At that point, I realized that the man's "wife" was his daughter, who was probably about 14, and the woman with the boy was his wife. Which makes much more sense. The guy's hair was greying, but as you can tell, I have no ability to judge the ages of Japanese people.
"She's... between 14 and 25. Probably."

I asked the guy about the metal plates in the ground and he said they mark property lines, or at least agreed with me when I tried to say that. Mystery solved, I guess. Kind of anti-climatic, no?

Had some strawberry ice cream and a croquet that was delicious. It was a dollar, too. Got lots of neat pictures in the park, but only took a few pictures in town. I have a couple panoramas to assemble, thinking about it.

Oh, and on Friday, I ate lunch with one of my teachers and a teacher I hadn't met before as I'm not in any of her classes. Despite that, I've heard about her a number of times; a bunch of the male students are taking her class because she's the hot, I think. I've heard from at least three different players that she's the hottest thing since soup, or something similar.
In any case, the three of us had lunch together and I failed to comprehend my food. It was one of those pick-up-the-noodles-and-dance dishes that I always worry about.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

"Failing to comprehend your food" sounds both amusing and somewhat anxiety causing...LOL. I guess if everyone else is eating the same thing you can figure it out, but if not, do you just eat it in some fashion till you are corrected? Do you ask for an instruction booklet (shouldn't that be part of the meal...heheh?)

3:29 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

So was she hot???

5:31 AM GMT+9  

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