Some Pictures; a Review

Anyway, these girls are a part of Habitat for Humanity here, is how I understand, and that's one of the many programs he controls, I guess? Anyway, I had my camera with me and offered to take a picture. I didn't mean to upload this, but it was in my "Put on the blog" folder because I use it more as a generic export folder.

At left you can see Sara (in pink), Sou Jong (with the white hat), Park Mingji (sitting, looking away), and Paul (the, uh, only guy). Sara and Paul are exchanging contact information by IR transfer, easily the most common way of doing so among the people I know. I have a hard time imagining salarymen huddled under an umbrella, trying to get their phones to connect, only to end up exchanging cards anyway. I think the card exchange is important for them. I don't have IR on my phone, but it's called 赤外線 sekigaisen ("outside of red waves") if you want to know.

They didn't all have the same birthday, but it was one of those "let's celebrate a couple of birthdays at once" things. There was cake. I'm still alive.
On the right we have a great example of my progress on Operation Take Pictures of People While They're Eating.
The title's creative, don't you think?

Also, I enjoy surprising people and warning them just a tiny bit before I trigger the shutter, which resulted in this next picture (left). I guess her shoes were rubbing her ankles, and she was headed out into the rain, so she was going to put on more suitable ones. I don't know her name.

The girl on top is Takako, and the guy on the bottom is Aki-chan, whose massive umbrella I accidentally stole. He said it was okay and that I could keep it, because he had already bought another one. They're both a lot better than me at judo. Like, Takako weighs half as much as I do and she kicks my ass. When I took this picture, we were all pretty much just messing around, 'cause time was about up.

Behind him is Aki-chan. On the right is Takako again, and Keiichiro is on the far right with the wooden sword. Keiichiro has really good English and has no problems talking with me at conversational speeds. He also speaks some Chinese, I think.
And with that, I need to get ready for class.
I dunno why, but my favorite pictures this time are the ones where the girl is in the midst of putting on her shoes, and where the other girl has a bite of food stuffed in her mouth. I guess I just needed a smile today and for some reason those did it.
Glad you are still alive AND actually had cake.
So, how did 'Aki-chan' come up?
I don't even know what his real name is. Everyone just says Aki-chan. There are a couple other people, like Task, Shoji, and Ryohei's girlfriend whose name I don't know. Also, Hirano-sensei.
Juao (Portuguese) was in last semester, as was Bernardo (Brazilian), but the former returned and the latter is too busy this semester.
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