Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New Bike

Yay, a new bike! It's the same as my previous bike, but the guy who calibrated everything wasn't quite as skilled, so it's not quite as nice as before. Also, after having ridden a number of times every day, I haven't been on a bike in a three weeks, so riding feels a little weird.

Between the calibration and the three weeks, I'm pretty awkward on it. I don't think the guy filled the tires up enough, either. But, it's a bike, and it means I can get around again. Yay!

Another $300 down, though, between the bike ($250), registration, a second lock, and lunch while I was waiting for them to get it ready to go. That puts me with $100 for this month, and $50 of that should go to my 'Net connection, if they ever actually charge me for it.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

Yay!!! New happy bike!

There will be a picture to see, yes?

8:48 PM GMT+9  

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