Saturday, August 9, 2008


Here's a table showing my costs and times for the places I went yesterday.  You should know that Kobe is decently far from Kyoto, about 40 miles as the crow flies and well over 45 if you have to stay on the ground like the rest of us mortals.
FromTo Duration Cost In Real Money
Kyoto SaiinJuuso 00:50 ¥ 390 $ 3.54
Juuso Kobe Sannomiya00:40 ¥ 250 $ 2.27
Kobe Sannomiya Juuso00:40 ¥ 250 $ 2.27
JuusoKyoto Saiin 00:50 ¥ 390 $ 3.54
Total 03:00 ¥ 1,280 $ 11.62
FromTo Duration Cost In Real Money
Apartment Sanjo Keihan00:30 ¥ - $ -
Waiting in the crowd 00:25 ¥ - $ -
Sanjo Keihan JR Yamashina00:20 ¥ 250 $ 2.27
OMG CROWD 00:20 ¥ - $ -
YamashinaOtsu 00:10 ¥ 180 $ 1.63
WTF crowd (even after an hour!) 00:30 * *
OtsuJR Yamashina 00:10 ¥ 180 $ 1.63
JR Yamashina Sanjo Keihan00:20 ¥ 250 $ 2.27
Total 02:45 ¥ 860 $ 7.81
*Actually, we were going so slow that I got a lot of pictures here; there was just enough space for my 18-55mm to get most of a person at the wide end.  Good thing Japanese women are short?  In addition, I was running around and spotted a pretty decent fan that had fallen under-ish some shrubbery.  It's blue.
So I spent about $20 total on trains yesterday, and figure about $15 for food: $5 for lunch, ~$4 at a pastry shop, and $3 for a melon-flavored shaved ice thing.

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Blogger thots about stuff said... amount of travel and foods and stuffs for not a lot of money. I always hear how expensive it is in Japan, but it sounds like you are finding the ways to go about it nicely without spending a huge amount. :)

11:38 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

By way of eating a lot of rice. For being out for... 16 hours (?) I had one meal that cost $10. While the pastries were theoretically optional...

11:44 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Heheh...pastries shouldn't be optional. Tasty happiness is a way of life. :)

1:19 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Washii said...

My God. Are Japanese melons just that addictive?

2:20 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

I have three responses to that:
1) I don't know, I haven't gotten to taste any.
2) Are you talking about fruit?
3) Haven't had honeydew melons, but the fruit here is about average. But as far as flavorings are concerned, I've found the best is usually melon. Strawberry-flavored stuff never tastes quite right.

2:36 PM GMT+9  

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