Monday, August 25, 2008


I have an Internet connection again. Great timing, isn't it?

Apparently, they got my payment sometime last week and just forgot to turn the connection back on.




Blogger thots about stuff said...


Yeah...great timing that...of course.

Happy internetting!

10:30 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Fishbulb said...

It's just not as fun as sitting on the rail in the bike shed during a rain storm yelling into your headset while the locals stare at the baka gaijan.

...or being rolled by the local police.

But hey, it will be good to chat again.

12:42 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

I'm really glad I got to have the experience with the police, though. And I got out and talked to people more once I had no 'Net connection.
I'm far too good at killing time on the Intertubes.

5:23 AM GMT+9  

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