Monday, August 18, 2008

Daimonji, but... Not. Instead, Obon Dancing!

The Daimonji... thing... was today [actually, a few days ago, but it took me three days to remember to get the pictures off my camera]. It's not really a festival, but there are these big shapes carved out of the hills around Kyoto, and there are torches in these that are lit up once a year for Daimonji, which means, literally, "big gate letters". They shapes are three letters ("big", "law", and "big" again) and two shapes (a boat and something else) if memory serves. Plus or minus a shape.
Anyway, I misunderstood my group's plan for the night, and ended up not getting a single picture of the letters you can read from any high place within 10 miles.

We ran into this group of girls at right while on the way to our destination, and when you've got a group of high school girls wearing yukata willing to pose for you, how can you not take a picture?

However, I did see a bunch of Obon dancing instead. It just lasted a lot longer than we had planned, which killed our chance to see the letters. No biggies, since the Obon was pretty neat.

You can see Ana at left and some unnamed little girl at right, both doing Obon. Can't do video, though, so that's what you get. Below and right is Sou Jong Obon-ing.
You can also see most of a family that came and allowed me to take their picture. There's a mom off to the left that you can't see, as well as a grandmother. They didn't want to be in the shot.

Obon is a kind of dance that anybody from the town can participate in, and there's a taiko (for those that don't know, just read taiko here as "a big, powerful drum" and you'll be okay) drummer and a singer guy, though I don't think he was singing words.
So you get a bunch of concentric circles around the platform the drummer and singer/announcer are in/on, and everyone does this dance. I'm not entirely certain, but I think you're supposed to slowly move inward, which signifies your progression as a Buddhist entity... or something? I didn't do the dance itself, obviously, but it looked pretty simple. Two or three steps, clap, half a spin, clap, reverse, double clap. Or something along those lines. I'm not certain it's that complex, or even that everybody was doing the same one.

Some of my friends from school were there, as you can see. And I also got them all to pose together with Ana. These girls don't really like me, but they seem to put up with me when necessary. They're all pretty nice, in any case.
From the left is Antonia, Alessandra, Sou Jong, Selena, and Ana (who doesn't go to my school). Ana is a master's student working on her engineering degree at Kyoto University.

Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that a little bit of post-processing can do good things for a picture, even in my hands. Or at least, I think so.

Which of these two pictures do you like better?



Blogger thots about stuff said...

When they are small, I liked the picture on the left because the person shows up more and is brighter, but when they are enlarged I definitely like the one on the right better as you can see more of the entire picture and the detail is clearer.

Sounds like you had a nice time.

11:12 AM GMT+9  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

one on the right

11:49 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Huh. I figured it would be the left one by a lot. I like the left one better, but I guess that just goes to show individual tastes. The right one has this kind of grey fog over the whole thing that I despise and the light falloff is too slow, so the subject doesn't pop at all.
Looking at it now, though, I messed up the angle when I was trying to straighten that picture.

2:30 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

I think it depends on whether you are looking at the person in the front or the photo as a whole. The one on the left she definitely shows up more, though there is a touch of shine on her face. The one on the right, because you can see more of the picture in general has a different quality to it and the person in front blends in better. If you are emphasizing the person, by all means the one on the left is better. If you are wanting to show overall picture, the person is more subtle and blends in more on the right, as well as other things being much more visible.

4:15 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Nah, I just don't like the one at right at all. I was going to delete it.

10:21 AM GMT+9  

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