Monday, July 28, 2008


This is actually the strongest storm we've had yet. It's got decent lightning, thunder, and the rain is coming down in pretty good quantity. My back door is about four feet back from the edge of my veranda and about six back from the nearest open sky.
The light/sound speed difference is ranging between one - make that a third of a second - and about ten seconds, with an average around three. That's 300 feet, half a mile, and two miles, respectively.
I imagine the close one hit Jusco, as the top is covered in lightning rods. I am... somewhat tempted to go over there... Don't worry, I won't. Camera gear is too sensitive to EM since I've got digital.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

Sounds like an awesome storm!

2:02 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

How's the counting business work?

10:07 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

By counting the time between seeing the lightning flash and hearing the thunder from that flash, you can figure out how far away the bolt was, roughly.
Sound travels at about 1000 feet per second.
Knowing that, you count the time from flash to thunder, divide by five, and you have distance in miles.
Divide by three for distance in kilometers.

3:08 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

A few weeks ago, we had a lightning storm here that woke me up from a very sound sleep. The lightning/thunder was VERY close together and sounded like it was right out the window. I love thunderstorms! But that one was a bit scary as I was sleeping right up against the outer wall of the house when it shook and boomed enough to waken me like that.

10:24 AM GMT+9  

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