Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hamid's Last Katsuragawa Party

We had another party up on Katsuragawa tonight, and we actually planned to have a fire from the beginner and were much more prepared. Bryden and I go there about 45 minutes before everybody else, so we explored a little and gathered up some firewood.
Once Hamid and everybody else got there, it got a lot more fun and we put some food on the fire to cook. We cooked up some sausages, but didn't have anything to put them on to put them in the fire, so I sharpened a piece of bamboo a little bit and used that.
Here's mostly everybody sitting around the fire at right. starting with the two people who are standing and working counterclockwise, we have Bryden, Soujong (crouching in green shirt), Robert, some guy, Hamid, Alessandra, Melinda, Martin (blue shirt), Rafael, and Aaron Poulliot.

I didn't start taking pictures until pretty late, but here you can see Sara trying to not get in the frame while I'm taking this picture and catching the flash at half power in the face from four feet away. Teach her to try and give me chocolate!
Tasty chocolate, by the way.

Apparently, Valeria will be singing in a band when she gets back to Italy. The obligatory stardom jokes were swapped, and you've got this, which is a pretty decent picture of the two of them. Actually, with my night vision gone due to looking at the LCD and whatnot, I had no idea they were posing. Last I could tell, they were facing the other direction. I imagine I looked pretty funny when I looked at this picture.

Not too long after this, people starting getting ready to go, and you can see them (very) slowly working their way towards that end here at right.

On the way back, I gave Melinda a ride back on the back of my bike. I didn't know she was there until about when we left, and I don't really have any good pictures of her face. Here's this, though, 'cause it's what I've got. Left <-- If you take a look at the picture at the right, you can see the waviness of a favorite of people's clothing caused by the temperature differentials in the air above the fire. When I first saw this, I was thinking my camera was being weird, but then I realized what it was.

I just spelled realized with two Ls and a W, so I'm going to bed. It's way past my... Zzz...

[Edit: This post is more coherent than I thought it would be, given that I was asleep when I wrote the last three paragraphs.]

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

First of all, what are you doing in your blog "About Me" picture? It looks like you are sorting candy or beads or something.

Second of all, it seems funny to just randomly have bamboo to sharpen to make into sausage roasting sticks. :) Very cool.

9:58 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Sorting M&Ms.

10:05 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Ah. Fun and tasty stuffs! :)

11:03 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

My God I love M&Ms. You need more pictures of you on here!

11:48 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Sorry, I usually am holding the camera, so it's difficult. When I have other people take pictures with my camera, they are all of a sudden incapable of pressing a button.

2:47 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

I totally agree about having more pictures of you. We want to see YOU in Japan. :)

I understand it is more complicated, but we all know how creative you are. ;)

1:50 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

IE, not?

1:54 PM GMT+9  

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