Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bike Brake Redux

I forgot to mention it, but it would appear the fix to my rear brake was only a temporary one. It still starts to drag, and if I go a long way without stopping to let the brake cool down, it squeaks pretty loud, in addition to the whole pedaling-through-molasses thing. All in all, not particularly pleasant.

In the end, I'm still looking for a new bike, but it's not really urgent, because this one still goes forward. My plan is just to keep my eyes and ears open for a good deal on something like what I'm looking for.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

Good luck with the new bike hunt. I hope you find a really cool one! I look forward to seeing pictures of it and hearing about its gadgetry, however simple or complex that may be.

8:23 AM GMT+9  

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