Thursday, June 12, 2008

Spendy... Pedals?

Once again, I've killed the pedals on my bike. I seem to perpetually be having this problem, but other people who are heavier than me don't seem, so it seems kind of weird. Maybe I don't actually know how to ride a bicycle? Whatever it is, the pedals on my bike were coming apart. I managed to get another week or so out of them by way of about ten zip strips, but they were still slowly getting worse, despite my best dollar-store efforts.
So, I went to the cycle shop and did it right. As it turns out, they sell some pedals that look and feel to be cast from iron. At $17, they're nearly twice as much as the other, plastic, pedals, but they should last a little longer, I figure. Spent another $5 on having them change the pedals for me*.
Cool thing is that they also oiled my bike lock, pumped up the tire, and... something else I can't remember. Definitely worth the $5, I think.
Between this and the burger I had while I was waiting, I spent $25 getting new pedals for my bike, which is half of what I spent on it in the first place.

*I tried to remove the pedals earlier this week, just to see how difficult it would be. To do this, I borrowed the 管理人's (manager's) crescent wrenches, found one that worked, and... completely failed to get the pedal nut to move. We grabbed another wrench and beat on it for a while, and we tried having him steady the pedals and bike while I put my weight down on the wrench... Nothing.

Before you say anything: yes, I am fully aware that pedals are reverse-threaded. Yes, I was fully aware of that when I was trying to take the pedals off.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

Well, I say you would have had the burger at some point anyway, but what is it with your luck and bike pedals? I know you went through a couple sets of them here. Thought it was just the Wal-mart bike...

10:13 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Fat, I guess? It's the only thing I can think of.

4:55 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

I don't think that's it. For one thing, I don't think you are that.
I think it's a mystery thing going on with your size 12/13 feet or something.

5:35 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Or... It could be that the area's high humidity, coupled with high temperatures, prematurely age the plastic in the pedals, making them brittle and more susceptible to my lardbucketiness.
And feet of doom.

12:00 AM GMT+9  

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