Sunday, June 8, 2008

Oh, shoes.

I wanted to get some sneakers, so I had one of my (Canadian) friends show me a place to get some cheap shoes yesterday. Unfortunately, I have fairly large feet even in the States. Japanese people have tiny feet.
They don't sell anything over 11 at the two stores I went to. An 11 is wearable, but I am not paying $100 for sneakers, and at that, sneakers that don't fit. I love my 240GTX*, but they're a winter boot, and are not really suited to the summers here in Kyoto, which are very humid and sometimes go above 40C (104F) from what I've heard. My giant desert boots of stomping are surprisingly quiet for sneaking up on people on accident, but I'm apparently scaring people by dressing too militarily.



Blogger thots about stuff said...

You're scaring people by dressing militarily? Someone told you this?

Anyway, I hope you find some shoes that work for you!
Good luck!

3:27 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Komitadjie said...

Because wearing desert boots TOTALLY makes you a spec-op.

1:33 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Hey! If that's the case, I want some!

10:11 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

"Where's my M4? Hey, the red-dot's missing! I have got my C4 handy, you know. Thanks, guns."

And yes, I've actually had three different people tell me that. But I really like my desert boots and... actually, I'm kind of meh about the BDU pants, but I like my green pants of I've-had-these-forever.

6:49 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Your green pants don't seem all that military-ish...even if they are...but not like the BDU pants. Your boots are wonderful. Anyway, that is kind of strange about people saying that, but hey, you are pretty scary! ;)
(just kidding)

12:39 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Fishbulb said...

Maybe its the big knife hanging from your web belt that throughs them off?
Just a thought.

3:06 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

1) I don't *have* web gear.
2) I don't carry a knife in Japan. I don't mean "I don't carry a 5-inch blade openly", I mean "I don't even carry my Leatherman because it has a knife on it." I was talking to someone, and apparently they consider a screwdriver a weapon if you don't have a specific reason and purpose for carrying it at that time.

8:12 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

I knew you didn't carry your knife there. The screwdriver thing seems extreme, but then I guess we won't allow people to carry nail clippers on an airplane now...

10:27 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

It was in response to Home's comment.

11:59 PM GMT+9  

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