Sunday, June 22, 2008

Not Completely Useless

I did do something productive today. A couple of things, actually. I took out the trash, for example, which has needed doing for a while now. Last week was busy, so my basic cleaning got neglected. Despite that, two different people came to my room the first time and commented that it was so clean. I'm thinking Can this really be my room?

Anyway, I also wouldn't want you to think the only random ads we get are porn ads and other unsavory things. While there's nothing savory about this picture, I feel somewhat redeemed by it.

It's a pizza menu that I got in the mail today, and nowhere on it is pepperoni pizza. And you're not reading that wrong; the average price for a large pizza is $31.

To, uh, top it off*, I thought I would show a sample of the stuff I drink. That's four flavors of Kagome, two cartons of orange juice, and a carton of milk. I ended dumping the milk 'cause it was only half gone in almost two weeks, which is roughly how long it took me to consume the rest of these cartons. That means I'm averaging roughly half a liter of Kagome-ish-ness each day. That's pretty much my entire vegetable intake, so I'm a little worried, but the Japanese seem to do fine like that, so presumably there's something going on I don't know about.
[*I feel safe making this one, knowing that KMD is on a different continent and doesn't have ICBMs... yet. That I know of.]

Things don't last long in hot, very humid weather, by the way, which is why the milk got tossed. Also, it says "delicious milk" on the front, which I just couldn't get over. It's very creamy.

In case any of you are wondering about my diet, I usually eat rice for two meals of the day and eat out for the other one. I vary where I eat, sometimes eating 牛丼 (rice with beef on top), sometimes eating お好み焼き (vaguely like a pancake. Very, very vaguely), and with some random うどん (big, thick noodles in sauce) thrown in every three-ish days usually with some tempura squid for protein. I also occasionally eat たこ焼き, which are fried balls of dough with a piece of octopus in each one. Today was 回転寿司 ("conveyor-belt sushi") where I had raw squid, shrimp, some kind of seaweed, a cream cheese (!) sushi roll, and... stayed far away from the inari-zushi, 'cause I don't do pickled stuff unless it's ginger.

Dinner was $8.40 and I had a crepe at lunch that cost $3.50, but was totally worth it: apple slices with ice cream and "rare cheese", which tastes suspiciously like yogurt.
Looked it up on Google and someone says it's uncooked cheesecake filling. Go figure.
It was definitely tasty.

Here's a random rabbit, because the last few blog posts have been rather picture-scarce.
Anybody recognize the style?
Hint: it's by a hugely popular artist who likes Pokemon probably entirely too much.

Oh, and I think I did the dishes this morning.

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Blogger Fishbulb said...

You need to drink your milk...but not when its chunky. :-)

Good to see you are getting your vegetables in liquid form.

9:08 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Yum! Kagome :)

Your diet sounds interesting. I have heard of most of those things, but would love to try some of them.
Udon noodles...more yum!

11:28 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

I meant to ask if you had tried the pizza yet. おかだ先生 mentioned that it was expensive and definitely not like American pizza. She said it had things like potatoes and such on it. I am curious, so if you do try it please tell about it. :) It does sound quite pricey, though.

11:45 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

ARgh..I meant to write in the other post -- I recognize the rabbit from...something. However, I do not know the artist. I would look it up online, but hopefully someone else will recognize and just come up with the answer. :)

11:58 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wouldn't eat a hamburger with pickles now your scarfin octopus dumplings?

8:15 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Fishbulb said...

...and fried squid bits.

1:39 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Komitadjie said...

The deal is still pending, the lousy bank doesn't want to finance the silo complex. I'm looking into road-mobile ones.

8:07 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

The pizza here blows. It's like... instead of pizza sauce, they use canned tomato soup that's been left out for a few days, then they put weird ingredients on top of dough that isn't made right.
It's not good.

Hey, the octopus dumplings are delicious. And cheap. And have a variety of ingredients. And no pickles.
They do, however, often suffer from the Japanese desire to put mayonnaise on everything ever.

The squid bits are fried in tempura, which makes them even better, though I've had just fried squid bits, too.
Bonus for the tempura dipped just quickly in the udon soup-stuff at KyotoFamily.

KMD, that's what you get for using Paypal. And not Washington Mutual. I've told you to switch, but nooo...

9:04 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Bummer about the pizza...that sounds...gack!
I have heard good things about the octopus dumplings from lots of people -- what's up with the mayo thing, though...blech.
I have eaten deep fried squid bits before and except for an occasional extra chewy bit, I like them. Udon noodles would be a bonus, to be sure.

I'd fall off the chair laughing about KMD's financing issues if I was sitting on one. I'm not sure Washington Mutual handles those kinds of transactions either, Will...

9:29 PM GMT+9  

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