Sunday, June 22, 2008

An Interesting Shop

Warning: Vaguely NSFW.
Though you'll be happy to know that this post has no pictures.

Ever since I heard about the existence of shops devoted entirely to sex-related stuff, I've wanted to go one. I mean, it just seems like something that everyone should do at some point. I mean, besides Jes.
Anyway, I heard there was one in the area, got directions, and then headed over to it today. Unfortunately, it turned out to basically be a four-story porn shop with random anime and manga of the non-porn variety mixed in on the first floor - plus some clothes and various otaku miscellany - and sex toys, bathing suits, and underwear on the top floor. There really wasn't anything particularly exciting here, though I think the swimsuits actually looked fairly nice.

In any case, the way I found the place totally beats what was actually inside. See, I went past the first time on my bike and didn't see it. I turned around and head back the direction I came from, hoping to spot it since I knew which side of the road it was on. Naturally, this means I was only mostly looking forward. It also means that the pole that hit the left side of my handlebars and drive my left should right into said signpole was totally unexpected.

Want to guess which store this sign was in front of?



Blogger William said...

And no, I didn't buy anything. I almost got the "Cup O' Nude" for Wash, though. I wasn't certain what it was, though, and it was $8.

9:33 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

"Cup O' Nude?" LOL.

So is your shoulder ok?

10:17 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Yeah, I'm fine. It wasn't the bony bit, just that general part of my torso - which, like the rest of me, is covered in a nice, protective layer of fat. Did manage to get my stuck sideways in my Tevas while not-crashing, though.
Not sure how that happened.

10:30 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Managed to get your "?" stuck in your Tevas? I was trying to figure out what noun to put there...and everything was either disturbing or making me laugh or both, so I thought I better ask.

Glad you are fine!

11:31 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

My foot. I got my foot stuck sort of sideways in a Teva. It was awkward, and it probably looked funny:
"Hey, look at the stupid gaijin who can't work his shoe!"
"Yeah! Looks like he's trying to kick it back on and... Where'd he get that bat? Run!"
The last part may or may not have happened, but you don't think I'd actually use a bat would you?

9:07 PM GMT+9  

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