Sunday, June 22, 2008

Frawress Victoly!

I was playing a game with Meli's boyfriend, Kazunori. The basic idea of the game is that one person comes up with a word, then the other person comes up with a word that starts with the previous word's last syllable. If you pick a word that ends with ん ("n") you lose, as it's not possible to start a word with ん.

Here's how our first game today went:
Will: サル (monkey)
Kazunori: るすばん (not at home)

The rest of them went on for quite a while, but I ended up winning another game and losing one, which puts me ahead one game. We've got the current game on hold while Kazunori thinks of a word that starts with る ("ru"). There are plenty of words, but it's kind of cheating to use a dictionary. I've also been avoiding 外来語 (foreign loanwrods) because that would take all the challenge out of the game.



Blogger thots about stuff said...

I've played this game in English, but I think I only recall you explaining it once in Japanese and that was when I'd only had only one year and not as much vocabulary and I don't think we tried playing it. It would be fun to try now!

So can you use different forms of verbs and adjectives or is that cheating, too, because the ます or ない and other endings would obviously take away the worry of ん? Just curious.

10:25 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

I am guessing it also has to be a word that you know the meaning. I like that you took out foreign loan words because that does make it more challenging, though like English, all the foreign loan words belong as much to our own language now as to the ones from which we swiped them. I still agree with it anyway.

It sounds fun! :)

10:31 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

I was thinking no verbs ended in ん but I thought perhaps there was some weird 日本語 verb form or some strange verbs that I just haven't learned yet...

Anyway, the game definitely sounds fun! :)

11:37 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

What about, uh, I don't know, the ~ません ("-masen" or polite negative) form?
Also, 日本語 is representable just fine with the English word Japanese, so it might be better if you used that here, being as very few of the already small group of people who read this blog speak Japanese.

9:11 PM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

Yes, I suppose so about the Japanese. It is just nice to have a computer that can do that again, and it is almost a good place for me to use it here, but not quite.
Anyway, no worries. I'll mellow out the Japanese usage. Sorry.

9:47 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Fishbulb said...

All those squiggles are Japanese? I thought Will was just cursing alot...日本語ないん!

(which translates loosely to 2-drawer Ikea file cabinet, cross-in-a-tent, negative n-th divided by alcoholics anonymous, totally something, baiting a hook, HA!)

3:44 AM GMT+9  

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