Monday, April 14, 2008


I guess I forgot to mention that school started last Thursday. It's now Monday here, and I'm on my lunch break. Not much to say as yet since I haven't signed up for electives, and have only been to two classes that weren't the Basic Japanese class.
Well, there's that, though. Hm.
We, uh, study Japanese! We're doing review to make sure everybody's at the same level before they starting killing us off, from what I understand. Seriously remedial review. I mean, we went over various meanings and uses for ~te iru.
Time for class.



Blogger thots about stuff said...

Curious to hear what electives you end up taking. Te iru, eh. Well, better a quick review than to to be in the middle of something way over your head I suppose. You go to judo today, yes?

4:11 PM GMT+9  

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