Saturday, April 5, 2008


It's now time for another edition of Random Pictures! I'm your host, Will.

Look! It's me! It looks like I'm wearing makeup and need more sleep. Normal for me, I guess.

This is the かんりんりん(apartment caretaker). He let me up on the roof to take pictures, but there's sensitive machinery, so I couldn't go up on my own. He's pretty cool.

Bethany and Sara playing DDR.


Maybe NSFW

I got these in the mail, bizarrely enough. I censored them pretty heavily. Everything remotely pornographic is pixellated very heavily, and there's a 3-pixel Gaussian blur applied to the entire image. I was so surprised that I tossed mine right off, and got Bethany's for this picture. These don't come by normal post, though. Somebody came by and dropped them off himself, as far as I can tell.
Most pathetic is that:
Between the two, they've got about 12 different images of women.
Between the two, they've got four images that are actually different. The others are modified versions of the same picture.
Yes, I meant to center that left.




Blogger thots about stuff said...

So besides flyers you received, how is the mail system the same or different than here? Ever curious about all those details...

1:42 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

Body Jack and milk. The names work well together.

12:45 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Honestly, I haven't mailed anything yet, so I don't know. The postal people here are amazing, though, just like the customer service in other places. It's weird to see that with government officials, though.

7:17 PM GMT+9  

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