Tuesday, April 29, 2008

More Dogs

I was heading over to the AP in the park and saw a woman walking these two medium-sized dogs, so I hopped off my bike and talked to her for fifteen or so minutes while I was loving on the dogs, whose names I forget, but they are both different words for rock. One was magnetic rock and the other was jewelry rock.
I really think it's conversations like these that will help my Japanese more than anything. I'm getting more sincere comments now, too. Normally, you just get 「日本語上手!」 ("Your Japanese is good!"), but I got one long enough that I can't remember it now. It was less canned, and so it felt much more sincere. I know that's just me being American, but it was nice.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

I would love to know the Japanese words for magnetic rock, especially, but jewelery rock (gemstone?) would be cool to know, also. If you remember them or come across them again...would you let us know?

I agree with you on the random chatting with interesting Japanese people. Nelson sensei keeps saying that is the whole point of having people go to foreign countries to learn the language. Classes are good, but spontaneous conversation beats all. How fabulous for you that you have this opportunity and that you are making good of it!!!

2:12 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...


3:19 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Yeah, I'm trying to get the pictures up, but picture upload doesn't work from here. I'll have to try in the morning while I'm by the ramen shop. The connection is a lot better there.

10:26 PM GMT+9  

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