Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Little Late, But Good Enough

I want to start this post off by saying that I'm straight. That is to say, chix FTW.
While Japanese men and women are about one pair of genitals apart, that's a topic for another time.

So last Tuesday, a bunch of the the 留学生 (study-abroad students) went out to an 居酒屋 (kind of like a bar) and for dinner. The people I was sitting with (seated at lower left in the picture later) decided to leave early and go get ice cream.

I later discovered that the reason we had gone to this particular place was because four of the five girls I was with had a crush on one of the guys working there. Now, these people are all fairly new to Japan and are not quite comfortable with the language.

This led to me using my Japanese for something I never expected to: asking a Japanese guy out.


Yeah, it was for Maggie, who stood there the whole time and made little noises at random times, but still... Well, at least I know I can ask out a Japanese girl now, if I need or want to, 'cause there's no way that could be more awkward than this.

I took a bunch of pictures while we were out at okonomiyaki, but didn't gel my flash, so they all came out kind of lame. Random picture from the set that I stitched together:

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Blogger Washii said...

*fell out of bed laughing*

1:02 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

I... guess that's a good thing? Nobody here seems to think it's funny.

3:35 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Fishbulb said...

(Ponders)...Now if only he would ask out a chix...

So, 'chix FTW'...
Is that 'For the Win" or "For the Willy"? I'm sure you're not using the old-timers definition ("F*** the World")...

I did find a new meaning when I searched...

(FTW) is an expression of enthusiasm. "FTW" is the same as saying "this is the best" or "this item will make a big difference, I recommend using it".

So, it seems you saying "Chix is the best. They will make a big difference and I recommend using them."

1:45 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

I can't help this one, and yes, I know Java doesn't have GOTO. I like GOTO.

Person Will = new Person("Will",21,"Round guy who likes rice and クリームパン");
do {
while (!Will.hasKitten)
if(Will.age == 42) lifeTheUniverseAndEverything("How many roads must a man walk?");
else goto RICE;

7:23 AM GMT+9  

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