Friday, June 20, 2008

Judo "Incidents"

I was doing randori* (free practice) with Erica today and managed to force a lefty osotogari ("large outside trip", literally. Anyway, she's apparently bad at ukemi (falling techniques) to begin with, and particularly bad at them with her right side, which is the side the performs ukemi against this particular throw when it's done left-handed. In addition, I lost my balance and went to the ground as well, and wasn't able to support her fall properly. Install, I added to the weight hitting the ground.
Anyway, the point is that I totally nerfed some poor girl and we ended up sitting out the last few minutes.
Oh, and add that to the fact that I was joking around, tried to grab her eri (collar-ish area) missed, grabbed her left tit, and it totally looked like that's what I was trying to do. I apologized three (maybe four...) times, but she didn't seem to react to it at all.
[Edit: "it" here, refers to the squeezings, as opposed to my apologies. I'm not sure she understood what I was apologizing for. "I'm sorry I groped you on accident." isn't something we've covered in class that I recall. And you all know I would recall that if we had.]
On the bright side, I don't think I hurt anybody else tonight. I usually get someone with something good each night.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

Sounds like judo to me...

but so this girl didn't react to being grabbed or to your apology? Just trying to clarify the story.

4:10 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

I imagine the edit answers that question.

12:17 AM GMT+9  

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