Saturday, April 26, 2008

Laziness Strikes

I'm not doing anything this weekend, so I was thinking about wandering around and taking pictures some more, but I don't really know anywhere to go.

Well, I'm not doing anything that I haven't already done. Today.
Judo, for example, is done for today, and that leaves me with ten hours to kill, and then tomorrow as well. I'm trying to meet some people who don't work on the weekends, but I think almost everyone does.

Oh! I managed to get a thing that's like a job. Sort of. Except it doesn't require a working visa, I think, as it's through the school. The job is to be a native English speaker. And... that's about it.
It's only once a week for three hours, but they pay $9.50 an hour, so it's pretty decent, especially given the workload.

The class is a Chinese and English class, where the students work on translating from English to Chinese with no middle Japanese step. There's a Chinese girl who's working as my opposite, but I suspect her Japanese is much better than mine.

It's time for food, but I don't know what I'm going to eat. It might be time to see if I can convince Chise to show me how to cook something new.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

Cool you have a job!!! That's fabulous! If you learn to cook something new make sure to take more pictures. Pictures are good!

So you do judo on Saturdays, also? More coolness. :)

Can you buy some sort of chocolate chips there? I think you should try making that sweet version of sushi (without the vinegar in the rice) that we were going to make. You probably want rice paper sheets instead of nori for that, but those shouldn't be too hard to find there. I still have the ones we bought at Uwajimaya.

My mouth is watering thinking of yakisoba and gyoza and other such foods right now. Your blog always makes me hungry, even when you're not talking about food, because I think of all the interesting foods you get to try there.

1:39 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

I'm not particularly fond of sushi rolls, really. I mean, they're tasty, but there are so many other things that I want to learn how to make.

9:17 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

So do you just sit in front of the class and speak random English?

9:23 AM GMT+9  
Blogger thots about stuff said...

I don't mean the sushi with the vinegar/sugar in the rice and the other normal stuffs. I mean sushi rolls that take the idea and make it into something dessertish and tasty.

While it wouldn't be Japanese sushi any longer, it would still be in the Japanese tradition of assimilating good parts of other cultures (chocolate chips and brown sugar!) into their own (rice rolls with tasty stuff inside).
Rice and brown sugar make a delicious combination...adding chocolate sounds like a tasty business to me.

12:50 PM GMT+9  

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