Friday, April 11, 2008

Instead... Bi-eek.

I've spent today's blog time going through the comments for some of the other posts and replying to them. Sorry to take so long!
That said, I still have a little feeling in my butt...

I mentioned I wanted to get a bike and had been looking at a green one ($168). I didn't end up buying that one and ended up getting el cheapo discount used bike ($60) instead. Since almost all of you are American, you'll know the same thing I do: it's secretly a girl's bike. They don't make men's bikes here, though. Still, the bike I got is pretty... bleh. It's kind of a dark grey (+), has one gear (-), a light (+) that is aimed sideways (-) and is dim (-), a springy seat (+) but no shocks (-), a basket (+), a back-mounted rack-thing (+), water-guard things (+) that refuse to call fenders (++), and a pretty cool lock (+). There's a lot of rounding error on those, so don't bother counting 'em out. Also, the brakes blow. They are both loud and fail at braking. Never get a bike with a drum brake. Most useless POS ever.

Oh, I went back to the shrine with Bethany and Sara. It was nice to be able to take pictures with both hands this time. No jokes, please.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

The bike sounds like an adventure, itself.

12:40 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Unknown said...

Why couldn't you use both hands last time?

9:45 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Cybermasta said...

What flamy said. That is a lot of mens bikes? maybe they are bi-cycles ar ar. More about school please. Have you got a address for your check yet?

5:43 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Cybermasta said...

I had same question as flamy. That is a lot of bikes. Post more about school please. What an adventure!

5:45 AM GMT+9  
Blogger Cybermasta said...

sorry about the multiple postings I was playing with it.(did know what I was doing)

5:46 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

No worries. I got rid of the second post with my admin powers.
I'll post more about school as it gets underway. I was here for two weeks before school started, though, and our first day of classes was Thursday. Today was our third day, and I'm on my lunch break.

12:58 PM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

Oh! As for not being able to use both hands for camera-ing: I had to use one hand to support the umbrella that was keeping my camera from getting wet. It's fortunate that this guy who runs a cafe in the area had an umbrella he didn't want anymore and gave to me.
Anyway, I was holding the umbrella in my left hand and supporting the camera with the back of that hand while manipulating the controls with my right hand. Also, the umbrella kept catching on things as I would walk by them. I'm not used to having that large a bounding box.

1:01 PM GMT+9  

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