Saturday, April 12, 2008

Bridge: Vital Importance

Since I couldn’t do judo today, and that’s all I had planned, I wandered around and took pictures for a while.

On the way back to the school is a bridge, and I took some pictures off of it. Nothing really exciting, as I was trying to be artistic with them, and that just never works out well. But this canal is pretty cool anyway, so pictures.

Oh, and the bird. I love the coloring on its feathers. It’s like a grayscale rainbow, but with wings and a beak.

As I was about to leave, I noticed there was a little rust on the bridge, and took these two shots. As you can see, the bridge is a little rusty.

Though it would require being on the bridge to try, I was tempted to set up harmonic motion in the bridge. But I don’t want to be the one standing there stomping my feet in the middle when the bridge explodes, collapses, wobbles its way into the street, or falls through time.

Kind of random, but the guy who runs the judo club was talking about a “timeslip” when he was describing a technique to me. I lost the rest of the explanation because I was too busy trying to fathom how that works. Apparently, the Japanese have advanced judo considerably faster than us silly Americans, ‘cause I totally don’t remember ever breaking physics when I did judo before…

So, the bridge. You know how Sonic the Hedgehog games always had spikes in the most random places, and you’d think “What the hell? Why are there spikes there?” Well, apparently this is one of those cases where the creators were just going what was natural, I guess. Anyway, there were those, and then some rusty spikes. You can see the rusty ones are bent at odd angles and look kind of evil.

It must vitally important that nobody goes on that ten-foot stretch of walkway?

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

Thank you for all the time you spend taking terrific pictures and sharing them with all of us! Very appreciated!

Hey...when you learn that physics trick in judo, I want to know, too. :)

7:49 PM GMT+9  
Blogger Washii said...

You call them rusty spikes, most other people call it rather outdated decoration.

9:57 AM GMT+9  
Blogger William said...

I really don't think they're for decoration. They're mounted fairly securely and are solid bits of metal, as you can see by the way they bend without crimping. I might agree with you anyway if they were always on the same side or something like that. But these both block off one section of walkway that would provide access to someone's window otherwise. Admittedly, it's about a two-foot-wide walkway, but still.

12:52 PM GMT+9  

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