Thursday, March 27, 2008


I promised pictures, and I've been sort of holding out. Posting pictures was a pain before, but now it's only a sort of itchiness. Here you go!
The picture on the far left is the bathroom as a whole. I'd like to draw your attention to the fact that the bathtub is above my knees and the toilet has both a bidet and a "derrière", which apparently means "spray water all over my ass and make things difficult" in French. Those are the little knobs on teh side of the toilet. Also note that the soaps are in pumps instead of those stupid little bars and bottles that nobody likes. If you do, you're a bad person. I recall that they Engrish'd something like "We are the caring of the Environment for you!"
Then there's the center picture. That shower head is the best ever. Seriously. It feels exactly the way I've wanted a shower to feel my entire life. Oh, and there's the retractable clothes line. Kind of cool, if you're into that kind of thing.

Two more things, quickly: notice that this whole mirror is steamed up, except for a nice, useful portion of it? Yup, the mirror is heated, and this picture was taken a few minutes I got out of the shower.
Not much to say about the right-most picture. It's Kyoto.

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Blogger thots about stuff said...

Cool about the shower!

5:10 PM GMT+9  

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